Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Objectives of Everyday Science


1. Freon gas is used in refrigerator
2. Atomic theory is discovered by Democritus
3. Circulation of blood was discovered by William Harvey
4. Solar system was discovered by Copernicus
5. Telephone was invented by Graham Bell in 1876
6. The sun has line spectrum
7. Telescope is used seeing details of celestial bodies
9. Spectrology, branch of physics, deals with the measurement of light
10. Blue color of the sky is due to reflection o light
11. Before a severe storm humidity in air decreases
12. Spectrometer is used for precise measurement if refractive indices
13. Pyrheliometer is used to measure solar radiation
14. Chronometer is a clock for determining the longitude of a vessel in sea
15. Lift was invented by Michael Faraday in 1831
16. Jet engine was invented by Orville and Wilbur Wright
17. Diffusion is a process of movement of particles from higher concentration to lower concentration
18. In voltmeter direct current is used
19. In Amplifier, Galvanometer and Transformer alternating current is used
20. Hydrometer is used to covert heat into electrical energy
21. Uranium treated wit radiation is used in nuclear reactor
22. Germanium is common constituent of transistor
23. Safety wire is made of material having low melting point
24. Diode is used in oscillation
25. Myopia can be corrected by using biconcave lens
26. Speed of sound is maximum in solid
27. Copper is used in semi-conductors
28. X-rays are electromagnetic radiations
29. Microscope converts sound into mechanical energy
30. Transformer is used to measure the flow of electricity
31. Neutron and proton are equal in mass
32. Convex mirror is used in rear view
33. Echo is the effect produced due to dispersion of sound
34. Hertz is the unit of frequency
35. Red color has the longest wavelength
36. Speed of light is equal to 7 times that of earth
37. Johann Wilhelm Ritter first observed ultra violet rays in 1801
38. Neils Bohr discovered that the atoms of some naturally occurring elements were not exactly alike in 1913
39. Under normal condition velocity of sound in the air is 300 m/sec
40. Coulomb is the unit of electrical charge
41. Angstrom is used to measure the length of light waves
42. Magnetic intensity is expressed in oersted
43. Velocity of sound increases with increase in temperature
44. Oxygen and argon is used in electric bombs
45. A fuse is used to break the circuit when excessive current flows
46. Tungsten is used as a filament in bulbs because it has very high melting point
47. Bats have the highest upper limit of audible range
48. Police use dogs foe detective works because they can hear ultrasonic waves
49. Galvanometer is used for detecting and measuring small electric currents
50. Coulomb discovered the law of attraction and repulsion between electric charges
51. Transformer works on the principle of electro-magnetic induction
52. Mass of positron is equivalent to electron
53. Electroscope is used for detecting electric charge
54. For growth virus requires living horse
55. Eukaryotic plants are those which contain true nucleus, membrane and organelles
56. Green algae is mitochondria absent
57. Sea weeds are prokaryotic plants
58. Agricus is edible
59. Lettuce is not day plant
60. Early organism that appeared on the surface of earth were symbionts
61. ATP is an enzyme
62. Bacteria is primary producer of organic matter in nature
63. Fleshy thalamus is edible part of tomato
64. Tissue is group of cell having similar origin and structure
65. The edible part of mango is mesocarp
66. Ethylene is a hormone concerned with ripening of fruits
67. Base sequence of DNA molecules determines the color of a flower
68. In aerenchyma plastids are not present
69. Bamboo is a grass
70. Opium is used from latex juice
71. Membranous labyrinth of ear is filled with endolymph
72. Science of motion is called mechanics
73. Electric cell was invented due research of Volta
74. Theory of relativity was presented by Albert Einstein in 1905 (E=mc2)
75. Al-Manazer is written by Al-Hatheim about light and structure of eye
76. Dr Abdussalam received Noble prize in 1979 on weak nuclear and electro-magnetic forces
77. If the vapor pressure of liquid is equal to the external pressure liquids starts melting, it is called its melting point
78. Electrolytes, through which light can pass e.g. Fused salts
79. Non- electrolytes, through which light can not pass e.g. Covalent liquids (Benzene, Ether)
80. Evaporation is process of changing liquids into gases state on heating
81. Sublimation is process of changing solid directly into gases state despite liquid state e.g. Iodine, Ammonium Chloride (NH4Cl), Naphthalene
82. Electrostatic forces are very strong e.g. solid Sodium Chloride (Nacl)
83. Van ser wall forces are weak e.g. Ice (Solid Carbon dioxide)
84. Forces unite the particles of matter together are called Cohesive Forces
85. Kinetic Theory of gases; all matter consist of small particles which are always in motion due to Kinetic Energy
86. Prokaryotic plants are those which do not contain true nucleus, membrane and organelles e.g. Bacteria
87. Cell Theory was presented by Schleiden & Schwann in 1838-39; all organism are made of cells
88. Cell was discovered by Robert Hooke in 1665 with a Micro-compound scope
89. Nucleus in plants was discovered in 1831-33 by Robert Brown
90. All plants are made of cells proposed by Mathias Schleiden in 1838
91. All animals are made of cells proposed by Theodore Schwann in 1839
92. Protoplasm was discovered by J. Pur Kinje in 1840
93. Francis Crick & James Watson in 1953 discovered Model of Double-helix structure of DNA
94. Charles Darwin put forward Theory of Evolution in 1859
95. Gregor Mendel is founder of Genetics
96. Edward Jennar discovered the procedure of vaccination for Small Pox in 1796
97. Robert Koch discovered Bacteria of different disease
98. Joseph Lister discovered Antiseptic Medicines in 1860
99. Linnaeus father of Taxonomy, invented method of classification for organisms
100. Microbe was discovered by Louis Pasteur William Harvey wrote about the blood circulation in human body
101. Study of form and structure is called morphology
102. Telescopic study of tissues and cells is called histology
103. Cytology is the study of cells and its organelles
104. Study of action of different organisms is called physiology
105. Anatomy is the study of internal organs of organism
106. Botany is the scientific study of plants
107. Zoology is the scientific study of animals
108. Scientific study of microscopic organism is called microbiology
109. Ecology is study of relationship of organisms with their environment
110. Study of classification of organisms on the basis of differences and similarities of properties is called Taxonomy
111. Study of development of life of organisms is called organism
112. Genetics is the study principle of transformation of inherited properties from generation to generation
113. Paleontology is scientific study of structure of fossils
114. study of use of technology for the betterment of life of organisms is called biotechnology
115. Respiration is a catabolic chemical action
116. Cinchona tree is used for the treatment of malaria
117. Use of digested food for body development is anabolic chemical action
118. Anopheles affected from plasmodium spreads malaria
119. Biogenesis means life is the origin of life
120. Abiogenesis says the life can be created from dead bodies
121. Heterotroph are organisms which get their food from their environment
122. Autotroph are organisms which make their food by themselves
123. synthetic insulin is used for treatment of diabetes
124. Poludrin and Chloro quinine are anti-malarial drugs
125. Historia Animalia is written by Aristotle
126. Al-nabatat and Al-havan are written by Jabar Bin Hayyan
127. Al-shafa is written by Bu Ali sin
128. Cell wall of fungi is made of chitin
129. Crescograph is used to measure the growth of plants

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