1. Suez canal connects Mediterranean sea with Red sea
2. Transport of heat energy from one molecule to next molecule is called conduction
3. Mangroves are tropical flowering plants
4. Global warming is gradual increase in the average temperature of the atmosphere
5. Population Pyramid shows population according to age and sex
6. Natural process of atmospheric heating is called greenhouse effect
7. Baltic sea is in Northern Europe closed sea
8. Condensation is process of change of gas to liquid state
9. Prairies are North American grasslands
10. Contraction of smoke & fog is called smog
11. Hurricane are storms east of International Date Line
12. Horizontal transport via wind through atmosphere
13. Tornado is rotating column of air
14. Diurnal cycle is pattern of temperature change during a day
15. Typhoon happen in North Pacific, west of International Date Line
16. Annual cycle is pattern of temperature change during a year
17. Spring tide occur of full & new moon
18. Rome is on the brink of Tiber river
19. Shikoku is Japanese island in Pacific ocean
20. Darling is a river in Australia
21. Granite is an Igneous rock
22. Mauna Loa is in Hawaii, US
23. Orogentic movements is process of mountain formation
24. Epeirogenic movements are slow movement of earth's crust
25. Po is the largest river of Italy
26. Portugal & Spain make Iberian Peninsula
27. Aswan dam is in Egypt
28. Pindus mountains are in Greece, Europe
29. Andes is a mountain range of South America
30. The Great Bight is in Australia
31. Australia is in Indian ocean
32. Great Bear lake is the largest lake of Canada
33. Volcanic Mt. Etna is in Italy
34. Magma is plutonic igneous rock
35. Polar Front Theory was proposed by Wilhelm Firman Koren Bjerknes
36. Dust bowl is in US
37. Gibraltar is key to Mediterranean sea
38. 1 mile is equal to1.6 km
39. Nice is in France
40. Radiation is the transmission of energy in the form of electromagnetic vases
41. Kiel canal flows in Germany
42. Incoming solar radiation from sun is called insulation
43. Tirat Tsavi is in Israel
44. Barometer is used to measure atmospheric pressure
45. Rivadavia is in Argentina
46. Humidity of air is measured by hygrometer
47. Era of recent life on geological time scaling is called Cenozoic
48. Udometer is used to measure amount of precipitation in the air
49. Dallol is in Ethiopia
50. Direction of wind is measured by anemometer

51. Vostok is in Antarctica
52. Sarmiento is in Argentina
53. Seville is in Spain
54. Bering sea connects Bering sea and artic sea
55. Distribution & arrangement of all elements of earth's surface is geography
56. Bore is tidal wave in river
57. Marble is metamorphic rock
58. Canyon is a narrow valley
59. Surma is river in Bangladesh
60. Maize, rice & wheat are cereal crops
61. Geyser is throwing of hot water in air
62. Rock debris resulting from weathering is called Alluvium
63. Isle of Man is in UK
64. Mt. Kilimanjaro is in Tanzania
65. Windhoek is capital of Namibia
66. Cape York peninsula is in Australia
67. Bering sea separates Russia & Alaska
68. Alps is mountain system of Europe
69. Mata is in Mediterranean sea
70. Valencia is in Spain
71. Gulf of Bothnia is in Baltic sea
72. Japan is leading fishing country
73. Isle of Wight is in UK
74. Bali island is in Indian ocean
75. Great salt lake is in US
76. Port of Palermo is in Italy
77. Gulf of Carpentaria is in Australia
78. Lhasa is the highest capital city
79. Laccolith is the upper layer of crust
80. Standard atmospheric pressure is 760 mm
81. Mount Tasman is in New Zealand
82. Quartz is metamorphic rock
83. Aletsch glacier is in Bermese Oberland of Switzerland
84. Limestone is sedimentary rock
85. Uplands of Brittany are in France
86. Microtherm are the plants adapted to withstand low temperature
87. Marie Byrd land is in Antarctica
88. Megatherm are the plants adapted to withstand considerable heat
89. Meanders are the bends in river cannel
90. Mesotherm are the plants adapted to withstand intermediate temperature
91. Mount Fuji is in Tokyo
92. Mesozoic is the era of medieval life on the geological scale
93. "Origin of continents & oceans" written by German scientist Alfred Wegner
94. Systematical study of atmospheric phenomenon that constitute weather is called meteorology
95. Island of Surtsey is in Iceland
96. Mercalli scale is used to measure earthquakes & its impact on human landscape
97. Wrangell mountains is in Alaska state of US
98. Marble is metamorphic rock
99. Magnetosphere is the upper portion of thermosphere
100. Malaspina glacier is in Alaska state of US

101. Thermosphere is the outermost of atmosphere layers
102. Deposit of dust blown by wind is called loess
104. Soil containing sand, silt & clay is called loam
105. The outermost shell of solid earth is lithosphere
106. The process of rock formation is called lithification
107. Liana is the tropical rainforest vine rooted in the ground
108. Lava is magma that reaches earth's surface
109. Wicklow mountain is in Ireland
110. Laurasia is the northern portion of super continent, Pangaea
111. Gondwana is the southern portion of super continent, Pangaea
112. Karst is distinctive landscape associated with underground chemical erosion
113. A chemically inactive that does not combine with other gases is called inert gas e.g. argon
114. Permeable is a surface that allows water to pass through
115. Transvaal is in South Africa
116. Hydrophytes are plants adapted to the moister of wet environment
117. Systematic study of earth's water & its states
118. Hydrograph is a graph of river discharge overtime
119. Henry mountain of Utah in US
120. Humus is decomposed organic matter that form a dark layer at the top of soil
121. Holocene is the current interglaciation epoch
122. Geodesy is precise study & measurement of earth's size & shape of earth
123. Foehn is the rapid movement of warm air
124. Flora refers to plant life of a region
125. Kansu region in China struck earthquake in 1920
126. Fauna is the animal life of a region
127. Erg is the sand desert
128. Escarpment is very sharp cliff
129. Epiphyte is plant that uses tree as a support but not parasitic
130. Epeirogeny is vertical movement of earth's crust over a large area
131. Dune is accumulation of sand that is shaped by wind action
132. Diastrophism is process whereby large continental areas undergo slight deformation without bending
133. Decline in temperature with increase in altitude is called lapse rate
134. Athbasca river is in Canada
135. Drought is the low ability of water lasting for months
136. Ephemeral plants are plants which complete their life cycle within single growing season
137. Gravel is sedimentary rock
138. Point on the earth's surface above earth quake is called epicenter
139. Condensation is process by which substance is transformed from gaseous to liquid state
140. Mount Peleu is in West Indies
141. Gigantic tidal waves in ocean are called tsunami
142. Geographical study of climates is called climatology
143. Herbivores are animals which eat vegetations
144. Carnivores are animals which eat flesh
145. Omnivores are animals which eat flesh & vegetation
146. Berm is the flat sandy beach that lies in the backshore beach beyond the shore of normal daily waves action
147. River wear is in Durham in England
148. Mount Nuevo is in Naples
149. Convection is the spontaneous vertical air movement in atmosphere
150. Process of changing liquid into gaseous state is called evaporation

151. Wye valley is in Monmouthshire in England
152. Upwelling is the rising of cold water from ocean depths to the surface
153. Kelang Gates Ridges are in Malaysia
154. Harz mountain is in Germany
155. Gyre is continuous moving loop in ocean
156. Hwang ho is famous for china's sorrow
157. Proportion of incoming radiation that is reflected by the surface
158. Kaieteur fall is in Guyana
159. Transmission of energy in form of electromagnetic waves is called radiation
160. Isle of Mull & Arran are in England
161. Minimal ameliorating influence of ocean on air temperature is called continental effect
162. Mount Forel is in Greenland
163. Graphite is metamorphic rock
164. Vulcan is an island in Sicily
165. Moderating influence of ocean on air temperature is called maritime effect
166. Rhine valley is in Western Germany
167. Advection is the horizontal transport of heat through atmosphere via wind
168. Thalweg is the deepest part of stream channel
169. Mount Mayon is in Philippines
170. Shale is sedimentary rock
171. Earthquake struck Agadir in 1906 is in Morocco
172. Average altitude of troposphere is 12 km
173. 70% earthquakes struck in Circum-Pacific Belt
174. Cleveland dyke is in England
175. Schist is metamorphic rock
176. 20% earthquakes struck in Mediterranean-Himalayas Belt
177. Denudation is process of wearing away of earth causing lowering & leveling of surface
178. Rotorua region center of geothermal power is in New Zealand
179. Vulcan is god of fire in Greek mythology
180. Mount Strombali is lightening house of Mediterranean
181. Steppes are grasslands in Russia
182. Mount Agung is in Bali
183. Pampas are grasslands in Russia
184. Appalachians mountain is in America
185. Mount Cotopaxi is in Ecuador
186. Prairies are grasslands in north America
187. Antrim plateau is in northern Ireland
188. Slate is metamorphic rock
189. Nitrogen constitutes 78% of atmosphere
190. Oxygen constitutes 21% of atmosphere
191. Carbon Dioxide constitutes 0.04% of atmosphere
192. Zionism is the movement to unite the Jewish people of the Diaspora & to establish national homeland for them
193. Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer was held in 1985
194. Montreal Protocol was signed in 1987
195. Kyoto Protocol was signed in 1997
196. United Nation Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) was held in 2005
197. Nautical Mile is standard measure at sea is equal to 1.85 kilometers
198. One-Child Policy was launched by China in 1979
199. Pandemic is outbreak of a disease that spreads worldwide
200. Pangaea is a term coined by Alfred Wegner
201. Pastoralism is agricultural activity that involves the raising of livestock
202. Determinism holds that natural environment is the crucial factor in cultural development
203. Pelagic Species are organism that live in open lakes & ocean waters
204. A state whose territory completely surrounds that of another state is called Perforated State
205. Number of people per unit area of arable land refers to Physiologic Density
206. Possibilism holds that human decision making is the crucial factor in cultural development
207. Prime Meridian has longitude 0 degree
208. Royal Observatory of Greenwich is near London
209. Pull Factor refers to perception that attracts to new local from other areas
210. Perception that induces people to leave their abode & migrate to new locals is Push Factor
211. Quaternary Industries refers to collection, processing & manipulation of information & capital
212. Qinary industries require high level of specialized knowledge or technical skill
213. Rimland is coined by Nicholas Spykman
214. Sedentary refers to population permanently attached to a particular area
215. Sephardim is Jewish ethnic group
216. Time-space compression term associated with David Harvey
217. Time-space convergence is coined by Ronald Janelle
218. Toponomy refers to etymological study of place names or associated languages
219. Strait of Tiran connects Gulf of Aqaba with Red Sea
220. Town-and-Range System a rectangular land division designed by Thomas Jefferson
221. Cultural borrowing that occurs when different cultures come into close contact is known as Transculturation
222. Strait of Hormuz connects Persian Gulf with Gulf of Eden (Arabian sea)
223. Transhumance refers to seasonal movement of pastorals & their livestock between highlands & lowlands pastures
224. United Nations Convention on Environment & Development (UNCED) also known as Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992
225. Strait of Malacca connects Andaman Sea with South China Sea
226. United nations Conference on Human Environment held in 1972
227. Puntland is Somalia's breakaway land
228. Tiran Island is in Saudi Arabia
229. Sichuan earthquake (China) had intensity of 7.9 on Richter Scale
230. Strait of Messina connects Tyrrhenian Sea with Ionian Sea
231. 50% urbanization of the world till 2008
232. 70% urbanization of the world till 2050 by UN
233. Proposal of Mediterranean union was put forward by Nicholas Sarkozy
234. Kosovo declared independence in 17th Feb 2008 as 195th country
235. Strait of Gibraltar connects Mediterranean Sea with Atlantic Ocean
236. Venezuela has the offset time zone
237. United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change received Nobel Peace Prize in 2007
238. Greenland got autonomy from Denmark
239. Roe River is shortest river of the World only 61 miles long
240. South Ossetia is an autonomous region of Georgia
241. Aquaculture refers to using river segments for the raising & harvesting of food products
242. Ashkenazim is the Jewish ethnic group
243. The fragmentation of a region into smaller hostile political units is called Balkanization
244. Varity of plants & animal species in a particular place is called biodiversity
245. Salween River is in Tibet & china
246. Buffer zone refers to countries separating ideological or political adversaries
247. Colonial Drift a notion hypothesized by Alfred Wegner
248. Encroachment of desert conditions on moister zones along desert margins refers to Desertification
249. Tigris & Euphrates rivers are in Iraq
250. Belief that political destabilization in one country can result in the collapse in neighboring countries known as Domino Theory
251. Qyzylkum desert is in Kazakhstan & Uzbekistan
252. Linkage of organism to their environment is known as Ecosystem
253. Irrawaddy river is in Myanmar
254. Ecumene refers to portion of the world's land surface that is permanently settled by human being
255. Enclave is a piece of territory that is surrounded by another political unit of which it is not a part
256. Garagum Desert is in Turkmenistan
257. A disease that is particular to an area is called endemic
258. Ob, Yenisey & Lena rivers are in Russia
259. ethnic cleansing refers to forced removal of one ethnic group from its lands by other group
260. Rub-al-Khali Desert is in Saudi Arabia
261. Eugenic protection act was enacted in 1948 by Japanese government, permitting abortion
262. Elbruz Mountains are in Iran
263. Exclave refers to a bounded piece of territory that is part of another state
264. Shantytown on the outskirts in Brazil are known as Favela
265. Feng Shui refers to Chinese art of placement & orientation of tombs, building & cities
266. Tian Shan Mountain range is in China
267. Geopolitics is study of interplay between international political relations & environmental context in which they occur
268. Global Environmental Facility (GEF) was established in 1991 under the auspice of UN & WB
269. Kunlun Mountain is in china
270. Heartland theory was proposed by Geographer Halford Mackinder
271. NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) came into effect in 1994
272. Pameer, the roof of the world is in central Asia mainly in Tajikistan
273. Circular Thatch Houses are built in African areas
274. Patagonia Desert is in Argentina
275. Czechoslovakia was divided into Czech & Slovakia in 1993
276. Malaspina Glacier is in Alaska in US
277. The Erosion/Geomorphic cycle was proposed by William Morris Davies
278. Mississippi River empties into Gulf of Mexico
279. Taurus Mountain range s in Southern Turkey
280. Great Victoria & Great Sandy Deserts are in Australia
281. Selva is tropical rainforest
282. River Nile is in northeast Africa
283. Lake Titicaca is in Bolivia & Peru
284. When a given Mass of air is forced to expand, its temperature decreases
285. A long ridge with a steep escarpment on one side & dipping slope & bedrocks on other is called Cuesta
286. Delta is the mouth of river where it empties into the sea or lake
287. Differentiation of soil into layers is called Horizentation
288. 1.95 calories per sq cm is the average solar energy received every minute at the top of earth's atmosphere
289. Steady-state System in which inputs & outputs are constant & equal
290. Sublimation is a process whereby a solid changes directly into gas
291. Taiga is Russian coniferous forest
292. Tarn is a small circular lake on the floor of cirque basin
293. Study of movement & defamation of earth's crust is called tectonics
294. A sand pit that forms link between the mainland & an offshore island
295. Traction is process that involves sliding of particles along riverbed
296. Passage of water into atmosphere through leaf is called transpiration
1. Suez canal connects Mediterranean sea with Red sea
2. Transport of heat energy from one molecule to next molecule is called conduction
3. Mangroves are tropical flowering plants
4. Global warming is gradual increase in the average temperature of the atmosphere
5. Population Pyramid shows population according to age and sex
6. Natural process of atmospheric heating is called greenhouse effect
7. Baltic sea is in Northern Europe closed sea
8. Condensation is process of change of gas to liquid state
9. Prairies are North American grasslands
10. Contraction of smoke & fog is called smog
11. Hurricane are storms east of International Date Line
12. Horizontal transport via wind through atmosphere
13. Tornado is rotating column of air
14. Diurnal cycle is pattern of temperature change during a day
15. Typhoon happen in North Pacific, west of International Date Line
16. Annual cycle is pattern of temperature change during a year
17. Spring tide occur of full & new moon
18. Rome is on the brink of Tiber river
19. Shikoku is Japanese island in Pacific ocean
20. Darling is a river in Australia
21. Granite is an Igneous rock
22. Mauna Loa is in Hawaii, US
23. Orogentic movements is process of mountain formation
24. Epeirogenic movements are slow movement of earth's crust
25. Po is the largest river of Italy
26. Portugal & Spain make Iberian Peninsula
27. Aswan dam is in Egypt
28. Pindus mountains are in Greece, Europe
29. Andes is a mountain range of South America
30. The Great Bight is in Australia
31. Australia is in Indian ocean
32. Great Bear lake is the largest lake of Canada
33. Volcanic Mt. Etna is in Italy
34. Magma is plutonic igneous rock
35. Polar Front Theory was proposed by Wilhelm Firman Koren Bjerknes
36. Dust bowl is in US
37. Gibraltar is key to Mediterranean sea
38. 1 mile is equal to1.6 km
39. Nice is in France
40. Radiation is the transmission of energy in the form of electromagnetic vases
41. Kiel canal flows in Germany
42. Incoming solar radiation from sun is called insulation
43. Tirat Tsavi is in Israel
44. Barometer is used to measure atmospheric pressure
45. Rivadavia is in Argentina
46. Humidity of air is measured by hygrometer
47. Era of recent life on geological time scaling is called Cenozoic
48. Udometer is used to measure amount of precipitation in the air
49. Dallol is in Ethiopia
50. Direction of wind is measured by anemometer

51. Vostok is in Antarctica
52. Sarmiento is in Argentina
53. Seville is in Spain
54. Bering sea connects Bering sea and artic sea
55. Distribution & arrangement of all elements of earth's surface is geography
56. Bore is tidal wave in river
57. Marble is metamorphic rock
58. Canyon is a narrow valley
59. Surma is river in Bangladesh
60. Maize, rice & wheat are cereal crops
61. Geyser is throwing of hot water in air
62. Rock debris resulting from weathering is called Alluvium
63. Isle of Man is in UK
64. Mt. Kilimanjaro is in Tanzania
65. Windhoek is capital of Namibia
66. Cape York peninsula is in Australia
67. Bering sea separates Russia & Alaska
68. Alps is mountain system of Europe
69. Mata is in Mediterranean sea
70. Valencia is in Spain
71. Gulf of Bothnia is in Baltic sea
72. Japan is leading fishing country
73. Isle of Wight is in UK
74. Bali island is in Indian ocean
75. Great salt lake is in US
76. Port of Palermo is in Italy
77. Gulf of Carpentaria is in Australia
78. Lhasa is the highest capital city
79. Laccolith is the upper layer of crust
80. Standard atmospheric pressure is 760 mm
81. Mount Tasman is in New Zealand
82. Quartz is metamorphic rock
83. Aletsch glacier is in Bermese Oberland of Switzerland
84. Limestone is sedimentary rock
85. Uplands of Brittany are in France
86. Microtherm are the plants adapted to withstand low temperature
87. Marie Byrd land is in Antarctica
88. Megatherm are the plants adapted to withstand considerable heat
89. Meanders are the bends in river cannel
90. Mesotherm are the plants adapted to withstand intermediate temperature
91. Mount Fuji is in Tokyo
92. Mesozoic is the era of medieval life on the geological scale
93. "Origin of continents & oceans" written by German scientist Alfred Wegner
94. Systematical study of atmospheric phenomenon that constitute weather is called meteorology
95. Island of Surtsey is in Iceland
96. Mercalli scale is used to measure earthquakes & its impact on human landscape
97. Wrangell mountains is in Alaska state of US
98. Marble is metamorphic rock
99. Magnetosphere is the upper portion of thermosphere
100. Malaspina glacier is in Alaska state of US

101. Thermosphere is the outermost of atmosphere layers
102. Deposit of dust blown by wind is called loess
104. Soil containing sand, silt & clay is called loam
105. The outermost shell of solid earth is lithosphere
106. The process of rock formation is called lithification
107. Liana is the tropical rainforest vine rooted in the ground
108. Lava is magma that reaches earth's surface
109. Wicklow mountain is in Ireland
110. Laurasia is the northern portion of super continent, Pangaea
111. Gondwana is the southern portion of super continent, Pangaea
112. Karst is distinctive landscape associated with underground chemical erosion
113. A chemically inactive that does not combine with other gases is called inert gas e.g. argon
114. Permeable is a surface that allows water to pass through
115. Transvaal is in South Africa
116. Hydrophytes are plants adapted to the moister of wet environment
117. Systematic study of earth's water & its states
118. Hydrograph is a graph of river discharge overtime
119. Henry mountain of Utah in US
120. Humus is decomposed organic matter that form a dark layer at the top of soil
121. Holocene is the current interglaciation epoch
122. Geodesy is precise study & measurement of earth's size & shape of earth
123. Foehn is the rapid movement of warm air
124. Flora refers to plant life of a region
125. Kansu region in China struck earthquake in 1920
126. Fauna is the animal life of a region
127. Erg is the sand desert
128. Escarpment is very sharp cliff
129. Epiphyte is plant that uses tree as a support but not parasitic
130. Epeirogeny is vertical movement of earth's crust over a large area
131. Dune is accumulation of sand that is shaped by wind action
132. Diastrophism is process whereby large continental areas undergo slight deformation without bending
133. Decline in temperature with increase in altitude is called lapse rate
134. Athbasca river is in Canada
135. Drought is the low ability of water lasting for months
136. Ephemeral plants are plants which complete their life cycle within single growing season
137. Gravel is sedimentary rock
138. Point on the earth's surface above earth quake is called epicenter
139. Condensation is process by which substance is transformed from gaseous to liquid state
140. Mount Peleu is in West Indies
141. Gigantic tidal waves in ocean are called tsunami
142. Geographical study of climates is called climatology
143. Herbivores are animals which eat vegetations
144. Carnivores are animals which eat flesh
145. Omnivores are animals which eat flesh & vegetation
146. Berm is the flat sandy beach that lies in the backshore beach beyond the shore of normal daily waves action
147. River wear is in Durham in England
148. Mount Nuevo is in Naples
149. Convection is the spontaneous vertical air movement in atmosphere
150. Process of changing liquid into gaseous state is called evaporation

151. Wye valley is in Monmouthshire in England
152. Upwelling is the rising of cold water from ocean depths to the surface
153. Kelang Gates Ridges are in Malaysia
154. Harz mountain is in Germany
155. Gyre is continuous moving loop in ocean
156. Hwang ho is famous for china's sorrow
157. Proportion of incoming radiation that is reflected by the surface
158. Kaieteur fall is in Guyana
159. Transmission of energy in form of electromagnetic waves is called radiation
160. Isle of Mull & Arran are in England
161. Minimal ameliorating influence of ocean on air temperature is called continental effect
162. Mount Forel is in Greenland
163. Graphite is metamorphic rock
164. Vulcan is an island in Sicily
165. Moderating influence of ocean on air temperature is called maritime effect
166. Rhine valley is in Western Germany
167. Advection is the horizontal transport of heat through atmosphere via wind
168. Thalweg is the deepest part of stream channel
169. Mount Mayon is in Philippines
170. Shale is sedimentary rock
171. Earthquake struck Agadir in 1906 is in Morocco
172. Average altitude of troposphere is 12 km
173. 70% earthquakes struck in Circum-Pacific Belt
174. Cleveland dyke is in England
175. Schist is metamorphic rock
176. 20% earthquakes struck in Mediterranean-Himalayas Belt
177. Denudation is process of wearing away of earth causing lowering & leveling of surface
178. Rotorua region center of geothermal power is in New Zealand
179. Vulcan is god of fire in Greek mythology
180. Mount Strombali is lightening house of Mediterranean
181. Steppes are grasslands in Russia
182. Mount Agung is in Bali
183. Pampas are grasslands in Russia
184. Appalachians mountain is in America
185. Mount Cotopaxi is in Ecuador
186. Prairies are grasslands in north America
187. Antrim plateau is in northern Ireland
188. Slate is metamorphic rock
189. Nitrogen constitutes 78% of atmosphere
190. Oxygen constitutes 21% of atmosphere
191. Carbon Dioxide constitutes 0.04% of atmosphere
192. Zionism is the movement to unite the Jewish people of the Diaspora & to establish national homeland for them
193. Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer was held in 1985
194. Montreal Protocol was signed in 1987
195. Kyoto Protocol was signed in 1997
196. United Nation Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) was held in 2005
197. Nautical Mile is standard measure at sea is equal to 1.85 kilometers
198. One-Child Policy was launched by China in 1979
199. Pandemic is outbreak of a disease that spreads worldwide
200. Pangaea is a term coined by Alfred Wegner
201. Pastoralism is agricultural activity that involves the raising of livestock
202. Determinism holds that natural environment is the crucial factor in cultural development
203. Pelagic Species are organism that live in open lakes & ocean waters
204. A state whose territory completely surrounds that of another state is called Perforated State
205. Number of people per unit area of arable land refers to Physiologic Density
206. Possibilism holds that human decision making is the crucial factor in cultural development
207. Prime Meridian has longitude 0 degree
208. Royal Observatory of Greenwich is near London
209. Pull Factor refers to perception that attracts to new local from other areas
210. Perception that induces people to leave their abode & migrate to new locals is Push Factor
211. Quaternary Industries refers to collection, processing & manipulation of information & capital
212. Qinary industries require high level of specialized knowledge or technical skill
213. Rimland is coined by Nicholas Spykman
214. Sedentary refers to population permanently attached to a particular area
215. Sephardim is Jewish ethnic group
216. Time-space compression term associated with David Harvey
217. Time-space convergence is coined by Ronald Janelle
218. Toponomy refers to etymological study of place names or associated languages
219. Strait of Tiran connects Gulf of Aqaba with Red Sea
220. Town-and-Range System a rectangular land division designed by Thomas Jefferson
221. Cultural borrowing that occurs when different cultures come into close contact is known as Transculturation
222. Strait of Hormuz connects Persian Gulf with Gulf of Eden (Arabian sea)
223. Transhumance refers to seasonal movement of pastorals & their livestock between highlands & lowlands pastures
224. United Nations Convention on Environment & Development (UNCED) also known as Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992
225. Strait of Malacca connects Andaman Sea with South China Sea
226. United nations Conference on Human Environment held in 1972
227. Puntland is Somalia's breakaway land
228. Tiran Island is in Saudi Arabia
229. Sichuan earthquake (China) had intensity of 7.9 on Richter Scale
230. Strait of Messina connects Tyrrhenian Sea with Ionian Sea
231. 50% urbanization of the world till 2008
232. 70% urbanization of the world till 2050 by UN
233. Proposal of Mediterranean union was put forward by Nicholas Sarkozy
234. Kosovo declared independence in 17th Feb 2008 as 195th country
235. Strait of Gibraltar connects Mediterranean Sea with Atlantic Ocean
236. Venezuela has the offset time zone
237. United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change received Nobel Peace Prize in 2007
238. Greenland got autonomy from Denmark
239. Roe River is shortest river of the World only 61 miles long
240. South Ossetia is an autonomous region of Georgia
241. Aquaculture refers to using river segments for the raising & harvesting of food products
242. Ashkenazim is the Jewish ethnic group
243. The fragmentation of a region into smaller hostile political units is called Balkanization
244. Varity of plants & animal species in a particular place is called biodiversity
245. Salween River is in Tibet & china
246. Buffer zone refers to countries separating ideological or political adversaries
247. Colonial Drift a notion hypothesized by Alfred Wegner
248. Encroachment of desert conditions on moister zones along desert margins refers to Desertification
249. Tigris & Euphrates rivers are in Iraq
250. Belief that political destabilization in one country can result in the collapse in neighboring countries known as Domino Theory
251. Qyzylkum desert is in Kazakhstan & Uzbekistan
252. Linkage of organism to their environment is known as Ecosystem
253. Irrawaddy river is in Myanmar
254. Ecumene refers to portion of the world's land surface that is permanently settled by human being
255. Enclave is a piece of territory that is surrounded by another political unit of which it is not a part
256. Garagum Desert is in Turkmenistan
257. A disease that is particular to an area is called endemic
258. Ob, Yenisey & Lena rivers are in Russia
259. ethnic cleansing refers to forced removal of one ethnic group from its lands by other group
260. Rub-al-Khali Desert is in Saudi Arabia
261. Eugenic protection act was enacted in 1948 by Japanese government, permitting abortion
262. Elbruz Mountains are in Iran
263. Exclave refers to a bounded piece of territory that is part of another state
264. Shantytown on the outskirts in Brazil are known as Favela
265. Feng Shui refers to Chinese art of placement & orientation of tombs, building & cities
266. Tian Shan Mountain range is in China
267. Geopolitics is study of interplay between international political relations & environmental context in which they occur
268. Global Environmental Facility (GEF) was established in 1991 under the auspice of UN & WB
269. Kunlun Mountain is in china
270. Heartland theory was proposed by Geographer Halford Mackinder
271. NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) came into effect in 1994
272. Pameer, the roof of the world is in central Asia mainly in Tajikistan
273. Circular Thatch Houses are built in African areas
274. Patagonia Desert is in Argentina
275. Czechoslovakia was divided into Czech & Slovakia in 1993
276. Malaspina Glacier is in Alaska in US
277. The Erosion/Geomorphic cycle was proposed by William Morris Davies
278. Mississippi River empties into Gulf of Mexico
279. Taurus Mountain range s in Southern Turkey
280. Great Victoria & Great Sandy Deserts are in Australia
281. Selva is tropical rainforest
282. River Nile is in northeast Africa
283. Lake Titicaca is in Bolivia & Peru
284. When a given Mass of air is forced to expand, its temperature decreases
285. A long ridge with a steep escarpment on one side & dipping slope & bedrocks on other is called Cuesta
286. Delta is the mouth of river where it empties into the sea or lake
287. Differentiation of soil into layers is called Horizentation
288. 1.95 calories per sq cm is the average solar energy received every minute at the top of earth's atmosphere
289. Steady-state System in which inputs & outputs are constant & equal
290. Sublimation is a process whereby a solid changes directly into gas
291. Taiga is Russian coniferous forest
292. Tarn is a small circular lake on the floor of cirque basin
293. Study of movement & defamation of earth's crust is called tectonics
294. A sand pit that forms link between the mainland & an offshore island
295. Traction is process that involves sliding of particles along riverbed
296. Passage of water into atmosphere through leaf is called transpiration
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