Pakistan Studies
1. When in 712 Muhammad Bin Quasim attacked Sindh, Waleed Bin Abdul Malik was caliph
2. Youm-e-Bab-e-Islam is commemorated on 24th July
3. Fareed-ud-din was real name of Sher Shah Sori
4. Chain of Justice was first hanged by Sultan Shamus-ud-din Altamash
5. East India Company was established in 1599 during the regime of Akbar the Great in Calcutta
6. Din-e-Elahi was introduced by Akbar the Great and Alla-ud-din Khilji
7. Chain of Justice was hanged by Mughal Emperor Jahangir
8. First battle of Panipat was fought in 1526 between IbrahimLodhi & Humayoun
9. Second battle of Panipat was fought in 1556 between Akbar & Hemo Baqal
10. Third battle of Panipat was fought in 1761 between Ahmad Shah Abdali & Marhatas
11. 17 mughal emperors ruled the subcontinent

12. Tehrik Jihad was launched by Syed Ahmad Shaheed
13. Real name of Tito Mir was Syed Mir Nisar Ali
14. Fraizi Tehrik was initiated by Haji Shariat Ullah
15. Muhammad Mohsin was real name of Dodho Mian
16. Battle of Plassy (1757) Lord Clive defeated Saraj-ud-dolah
17. Sir Thomas Row first English Ambassador to India
18. Sindh was Conquered by British army in 1843
19. Punjab was conquered by British army in 1849
20. Christians got freedom of preaching in Charter Act of 1813
21. Act of change of religion was imposed in 1850
22. At the time of Battle of independence (1857), Lord Dilhozi (1846-57) was Viceroy of India
23. First census in subcontinent was held in 1858
24. Battle of Freedom started on 10 May, 1857 from Meerth on Sunday
25. Azeem Ullah Khan prepared the map of the battle
26. Queen of Jhansi, Lakshmi bai & Hazrat Mahal of Oadh took part in battle of freedom
27. General Bakhat Khan is known as Hero of the battle of Freedom
28. War of Buxar was fought in 1764
29. General Nicholson headed the British Army
30. Benjamin Disraeli was British Prime Minister at the time of battle of freedom
31. Queen Victoria was Head of the state of Britain at the time of battle of freedom
32. Causalities of battle of freedom were 5 lakh 5 thousands (Indian & British)
33. Risalah Asbab-e-Baghawat-e-Hind was published in 1860 by Sir Syed Ahmad
34. Scientific Society was established in 1863 by Sir Syed Aham in Ghazipur
35. Urdu-Hindi Dispute took place on 1867 in Banars

36. Urdu Defense Association was set up in 1873
37. Khutbat-e-Ahmadia was written in reply of "The life of Mohammad" (William Myor) by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
38. 1835 English was made official language of India
39. "Our Indian Muslims" is Written by William Myor
40. M. A. O High School was inaugurated by William Myor in 1875
41. M. A. O College was inaugurated by Lord Lytton in 1877
42. Sir Syed Ahmad left to England in 1869
43. Sir Syed became member of Legislature Assembly in 1778
44. Mohamadon Educational Conference was set up by Sir Syed Ahmad in 1886
45. Indian Patriotic Association was set up by Sir Syed Ahmad in 1888
46. Muhamdon anglo-oriental Association was set up by Sir Syed Ahmad in 1893
47. Population of India in 1091 census was 6 Karor 20 Lakh
48. "Spirit of Islam was written by Syed Amir Ali in 1902"
49. George Yalle was first president of All India Congress
50. Sir Agha Khan was first president of All India Muslim League
51. Deoband Dar-ul-Islam was established in 1867 by Fazal-ur-Rehman/Zulfiqar Ali
52. Anjuma-e-Himayat-e-Islam was established in 1884 by Hameed-ud-din in Kanpur
53. Sind Madrassat-ul-Islam was set up by Hassan Ali afandi in 1885 & inaugrated by Lord Duffern
54. Anand Mith is written by Bankum chander Chaterji in 1882
55. Vende Matram is taken from Anand Mith (Temple of Happiness)
56. Nidvat-ul-Ulemah was established in 1894 by Syed Muhammad Ali
57. Asam was separated from Bengal in 1874
58. Partition of Bengal in 16 Oct. 1905 in the time of Lord Minto
59. "A Nation in MAking" is written by Surrender Nath Banerji
60. Swadeshi Movement was launched in 1906 by Madan Mohan Malavia to boycott the British goods
61. Annulment of Partition of Bengal took place in 12 Dec. 1911 by George V during Viceroy Harding
62. Delhi became capital of Subcontinent in 1912 on place of Calcutta
63. Shimla Delegation met Lord Minto on 1st Oct. 1906, headed by Sir Agha Khan having 35 members
64. Name of All India Muslim League was suggested by Sir Muhammad Shafi
65. Nawab Saleem Ullah Khan proposed All India Muslim Confederacy
66. All India Muslim League was set up on 30 Dec. 1906 in a session of Mohamadon Educational Conference
67. First secretary of All India Muslim League was Hassan Balgarami
68. first session of All India Muslim League was headed by Adamji Peerbhai
69. Punjab branch of All India Muslim League was established by Muhammad Shafi in 1907
70. Poona branch of All India Muslim League was established by Rafeeh Ahmad in 1907
71. Bengal branch of All India Muslim League was established in 1909
72. London branch of All India Muslim League was established by Amir Ali in 1908
73. First (1907) & last (1943) session of Muslim League were held in Karachi
74. Sir William Venderbern was president of congress whem Muslim league was formed
75. Begum Jahan Ara Shahnawaz was first female member of Muslim League
76. Manshor (Weekly) was published from Delhi by Muslim League edited by Syed Hassan Raiz
77. Raja Sahb Mehmoodabad became president of Muslim league in 1912
78. Muslim League's woman organization was established in 1937
79. All India Muslim League's student federation was established in 1936
80. Muslim League was established in Baluchistan in 1938 by Qazi Muhammad Issa
81. First Public session was held in Pattna in 1938 headed by Quaid-e-Azam
82. Quaid-e-Azam presided first session of Muslim League in 1916
83. All India Muslim League was dissolved on 10 May 1948
84. Quaid-e-Azam became president of Muslim League in 1919
85. John Morley was secretary of State of India during Partition of Bengal
86. Minto-Morley Reforms passed on 15 Nov. 1909
87. S.P Sehna first Indian member of Administrative Counsel of Viceroy
88. Cawnpur (Utterper Desh) incident took place in 1913
89. Lucknow pact was signed 30 Dec. 1916 by Quaid-e-Azam & A.C Mojdar
90. Home Rule League was established in 3 Sep. 1916 by Annie Besant
91. Quaid-e-Azam joined Home Rule League in 1917 and resigned in 1920
92. Name of home rule league was changed into Sawaraj League in 1920 by Gandhi
93. Rowlatt Act was passed in 1919 March by Sir Sydney Rowlatt
94. Jalianwala Bagh Massacre took place in 13 April 1919
95. Montague-Chelmsford report was published in 1918 & became law in 1919
96. Majlas-e-Khudam-e-Kahba was set up in 1913
97. All India CEntral Khilafat Committee was formed on 23 Sep. 1919
98. Khilafat Delegation met Lord Chelmsford in 1920 under Dr. Ahamad Insari
99. Migration Movement (1920) 1800 Muslims migrated
100. Jamia Milia Islamia was established in 1920 by Muhammad Ali Joher
101. Mopla Revolt took place in 1921, August
102. Chaura-Chauri incident took place on 4 Feb. 1922
103. Movement of Civil Disobedience was launched by Gandhi in 1922
104. Tableegh & Tanzeem were launched by Hassan Nizami
105. Swarajia Party was formed by Moti Lal Nehru & Hakeem Ajmal Khan

106. Nehrik-e-Tanzi,-e-Nou was formed by Saif-ud-din Chakklo
107. Muslim league was divided into two factions on Nov. 1927
108. Delhi Proposals in 1927
109. President of Shafi league was Muhammad Shafi & Secretary Allama Iqbal
110. Jinnah league president Quaid-e-Azam & Secretary was Muhammad Yaqoob
111. Shafi & Jinnah Leagues were united with the help of Hakeem Ajmal Khan
112. Simon commission was set up in 1927 reached India in 1928 its members were John Simon, Pathick Lawrence & A. V Alexander
113. Second session of Simon Commission 1928-1929
114. Simon Commission was announced by Lord Berken Head, Secretary state of India
115. Nehru Report August 1928
116. Majlas-e-Itehad-e-Milat was formed by Zafer Ali KhanIdea of Round Table Conferences was given by Lord Irwin in 1929
117. Civil Disobedience Movement was launched 23March 1930
118. Allabad Address was presided by Allama Iqbal in 30 Nov. 1930
119. First Round Table Conference started on 12 Nov. 1930
120. First Round Table Conference has total 58 members 18 Muslims
121. First Round Table Conference headed by Ramsay McDonald
122. First Round Table Conference continued for 69 days
123. Gandhi-Irwin Pact was signed in Feb. 1931
124. Second Round Table Conference held in London from 7 Sep. 1931 to 1932
125. Second Round Table Conference continued for 85 days
126. Communal Award presented on 16 August 1932
127. Pona Pact was signed in 1932
128. Third Round Table Conference held in 17 Nov. 1932
129. Third Round Table Conference continued for 39 days
130. Govt of India Act of 1935 promulgated on 14 August 1935
131. According to Govt of India Act of 1935 Federal Assembly has 375 seats
132. According to Govt of India Act of 1935 Counsel of state has 260 seats
133. According to Govt of India Act of 1919 only 3% of population can cast vote
134. According to Govt of India Act of 1935 only 14% of population can cast vote
135. Counsel of secretary of state started in 1858 & dissolved in 1935
136. Sindh separated from Bombay in 1936
137. Khaksar Movement was launched by Inayat Ullah Mashraqi in 1931
138. Independant Party was launched by Hasrat Mohani in 1932
139. Now or Never was Published in 1933 by Rehamt Ali
140. Unity Conference was held in 1932 at Allabad

141. Punjab Chief Minister after 1937 Election was Sikander Hayyat
142. In 1937 Election total seats were 1585
143. In 1937 Election total Muslim seats were 484
144. In 1937 Election Congress won 711 seats & Muslim League won 108 seats
145. In 1937 Election Congress set ministries in 8 provinces out of 11
146. Letter of Iqbal to Quaid 1936
147. Wardha Scheme of 1937 headed by Dr. Zakar Hussain
148. Peerpur Committee formed in 1938 headed by Raja Muhammad Mehdi
149. Sharif Report submitted in 1939 by Bihar Branch
150. World War II started on September 1939
151. Resignation of Congress ministries 14 Nov. 1939
152. All India MuslimStudent Federation formed in 1937 by Muhammad Noman Zuberi
153. Day of Deliverance commemorated on 20 Dec. 1939
154. Real name of Raja Sahb of Mehmoodabad was Amir Ahmah Khan
155. Sikander-Jinnah Pact in 1937
156. "Pakistan was inevitable" by Syed Hassan Riaz
157. Quaid-Boss meeting in 1938
158. Manshor edited by Syed Riaz Hussain in 1938 till 1947 under Muslim league
159. Muslim League National Guards was set up in 1939
160. "On Compromise" written by John Morley
161. Muslim Political Party set up by Ghulam Hussain Hidyat Ullah
162. Muhazab & Dilgudaz launched by Abdulhaleem Sharer

163. Al-farooq written by Shibli Numani
164. "Bright Future of Muslims" by Taveel Ahmad Mangori
165. Garden of Persia written by Lord Kurzon
166. Majlas-e-Itehad-ul-Muslimeen set up by Nawab Bahadur Yar Jang
167. Muslim League established it s ministries in Sindh in 1943
168. Urdu-e-Moallah was launched by Hasrat Mohani
169. Zamindar was launched by Zafer Ali Khan
170. Paisa was launched by Munshi Mehboob Alam
171. Comrade (1910) & Hamdard (1913) were launched by Muhammad Ali Johar
172. Allama Iqbal joined Muslim League in 1908
173. Jamiat-e-Ulema-e-Islam set up by Shabeer Ahmad Usmani
174. Sitara-e-Subho was launched by Zafer ali Khan in 1917
175. Allaabad Address held on 29 Dec. 1930
176. Unionist Party set up by Ahmad Yar Khan Doltana & Feron Khan Noan
177. RCD was formed in 1964 in Istanbul, changed to ECO
178. LFO was imposed in 1970
179. Urdu was introduced as official language in subcontinent in 1825
180. "Pathway to Pakistan" by Khaliq-uz-Zaman
1. When in 712 Muhammad Bin Quasim attacked Sindh, Waleed Bin Abdul Malik was caliph
2. Youm-e-Bab-e-Islam is commemorated on 24th July
3. Fareed-ud-din was real name of Sher Shah Sori
4. Chain of Justice was first hanged by Sultan Shamus-ud-din Altamash
5. East India Company was established in 1599 during the regime of Akbar the Great in Calcutta
6. Din-e-Elahi was introduced by Akbar the Great and Alla-ud-din Khilji
7. Chain of Justice was hanged by Mughal Emperor Jahangir
8. First battle of Panipat was fought in 1526 between IbrahimLodhi & Humayoun
9. Second battle of Panipat was fought in 1556 between Akbar & Hemo Baqal
10. Third battle of Panipat was fought in 1761 between Ahmad Shah Abdali & Marhatas
11. 17 mughal emperors ruled the subcontinent
12. Tehrik Jihad was launched by Syed Ahmad Shaheed
13. Real name of Tito Mir was Syed Mir Nisar Ali
14. Fraizi Tehrik was initiated by Haji Shariat Ullah
15. Muhammad Mohsin was real name of Dodho Mian
16. Battle of Plassy (1757) Lord Clive defeated Saraj-ud-dolah
17. Sir Thomas Row first English Ambassador to India
18. Sindh was Conquered by British army in 1843
19. Punjab was conquered by British army in 1849
20. Christians got freedom of preaching in Charter Act of 1813
21. Act of change of religion was imposed in 1850
22. At the time of Battle of independence (1857), Lord Dilhozi (1846-57) was Viceroy of India
23. First census in subcontinent was held in 1858
24. Battle of Freedom started on 10 May, 1857 from Meerth on Sunday
25. Azeem Ullah Khan prepared the map of the battle
26. Queen of Jhansi, Lakshmi bai & Hazrat Mahal of Oadh took part in battle of freedom
27. General Bakhat Khan is known as Hero of the battle of Freedom
28. War of Buxar was fought in 1764
29. General Nicholson headed the British Army
30. Benjamin Disraeli was British Prime Minister at the time of battle of freedom
31. Queen Victoria was Head of the state of Britain at the time of battle of freedom
32. Causalities of battle of freedom were 5 lakh 5 thousands (Indian & British)
33. Risalah Asbab-e-Baghawat-e-Hind was published in 1860 by Sir Syed Ahmad
34. Scientific Society was established in 1863 by Sir Syed Aham in Ghazipur
35. Urdu-Hindi Dispute took place on 1867 in Banars

36. Urdu Defense Association was set up in 1873
37. Khutbat-e-Ahmadia was written in reply of "The life of Mohammad" (William Myor) by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
38. 1835 English was made official language of India
39. "Our Indian Muslims" is Written by William Myor
40. M. A. O High School was inaugurated by William Myor in 1875
41. M. A. O College was inaugurated by Lord Lytton in 1877
42. Sir Syed Ahmad left to England in 1869
43. Sir Syed became member of Legislature Assembly in 1778
44. Mohamadon Educational Conference was set up by Sir Syed Ahmad in 1886
45. Indian Patriotic Association was set up by Sir Syed Ahmad in 1888
46. Muhamdon anglo-oriental Association was set up by Sir Syed Ahmad in 1893
47. Population of India in 1091 census was 6 Karor 20 Lakh
48. "Spirit of Islam was written by Syed Amir Ali in 1902"
49. George Yalle was first president of All India Congress
50. Sir Agha Khan was first president of All India Muslim League
51. Deoband Dar-ul-Islam was established in 1867 by Fazal-ur-Rehman/Zulfiqar Ali
52. Anjuma-e-Himayat-e-Islam was established in 1884 by Hameed-ud-din in Kanpur
53. Sind Madrassat-ul-Islam was set up by Hassan Ali afandi in 1885 & inaugrated by Lord Duffern
54. Anand Mith is written by Bankum chander Chaterji in 1882
55. Vende Matram is taken from Anand Mith (Temple of Happiness)
56. Nidvat-ul-Ulemah was established in 1894 by Syed Muhammad Ali
57. Asam was separated from Bengal in 1874
58. Partition of Bengal in 16 Oct. 1905 in the time of Lord Minto
59. "A Nation in MAking" is written by Surrender Nath Banerji
60. Swadeshi Movement was launched in 1906 by Madan Mohan Malavia to boycott the British goods
61. Annulment of Partition of Bengal took place in 12 Dec. 1911 by George V during Viceroy Harding
62. Delhi became capital of Subcontinent in 1912 on place of Calcutta
63. Shimla Delegation met Lord Minto on 1st Oct. 1906, headed by Sir Agha Khan having 35 members
64. Name of All India Muslim League was suggested by Sir Muhammad Shafi
65. Nawab Saleem Ullah Khan proposed All India Muslim Confederacy
66. All India Muslim League was set up on 30 Dec. 1906 in a session of Mohamadon Educational Conference
67. First secretary of All India Muslim League was Hassan Balgarami
68. first session of All India Muslim League was headed by Adamji Peerbhai
69. Punjab branch of All India Muslim League was established by Muhammad Shafi in 1907
70. Poona branch of All India Muslim League was established by Rafeeh Ahmad in 1907
71. Bengal branch of All India Muslim League was established in 1909
72. London branch of All India Muslim League was established by Amir Ali in 1908
73. First (1907) & last (1943) session of Muslim League were held in Karachi
74. Sir William Venderbern was president of congress whem Muslim league was formed
75. Begum Jahan Ara Shahnawaz was first female member of Muslim League
76. Manshor (Weekly) was published from Delhi by Muslim League edited by Syed Hassan Raiz
77. Raja Sahb Mehmoodabad became president of Muslim league in 1912
78. Muslim League's woman organization was established in 1937
79. All India Muslim League's student federation was established in 1936
80. Muslim League was established in Baluchistan in 1938 by Qazi Muhammad Issa
81. First Public session was held in Pattna in 1938 headed by Quaid-e-Azam
82. Quaid-e-Azam presided first session of Muslim League in 1916
83. All India Muslim League was dissolved on 10 May 1948
84. Quaid-e-Azam became president of Muslim League in 1919
85. John Morley was secretary of State of India during Partition of Bengal
86. Minto-Morley Reforms passed on 15 Nov. 1909
87. S.P Sehna first Indian member of Administrative Counsel of Viceroy
88. Cawnpur (Utterper Desh) incident took place in 1913
89. Lucknow pact was signed 30 Dec. 1916 by Quaid-e-Azam & A.C Mojdar
90. Home Rule League was established in 3 Sep. 1916 by Annie Besant
91. Quaid-e-Azam joined Home Rule League in 1917 and resigned in 1920
92. Name of home rule league was changed into Sawaraj League in 1920 by Gandhi
93. Rowlatt Act was passed in 1919 March by Sir Sydney Rowlatt
94. Jalianwala Bagh Massacre took place in 13 April 1919
95. Montague-Chelmsford report was published in 1918 & became law in 1919
96. Majlas-e-Khudam-e-Kahba was set up in 1913
97. All India CEntral Khilafat Committee was formed on 23 Sep. 1919
98. Khilafat Delegation met Lord Chelmsford in 1920 under Dr. Ahamad Insari
99. Migration Movement (1920) 1800 Muslims migrated
100. Jamia Milia Islamia was established in 1920 by Muhammad Ali Joher
101. Mopla Revolt took place in 1921, August
102. Chaura-Chauri incident took place on 4 Feb. 1922
103. Movement of Civil Disobedience was launched by Gandhi in 1922
104. Tableegh & Tanzeem were launched by Hassan Nizami
105. Swarajia Party was formed by Moti Lal Nehru & Hakeem Ajmal Khan

106. Nehrik-e-Tanzi,-e-Nou was formed by Saif-ud-din Chakklo
107. Muslim league was divided into two factions on Nov. 1927
108. Delhi Proposals in 1927
109. President of Shafi league was Muhammad Shafi & Secretary Allama Iqbal
110. Jinnah league president Quaid-e-Azam & Secretary was Muhammad Yaqoob
111. Shafi & Jinnah Leagues were united with the help of Hakeem Ajmal Khan
112. Simon commission was set up in 1927 reached India in 1928 its members were John Simon, Pathick Lawrence & A. V Alexander
113. Second session of Simon Commission 1928-1929
114. Simon Commission was announced by Lord Berken Head, Secretary state of India
115. Nehru Report August 1928
116. Majlas-e-Itehad-e-Milat was formed by Zafer Ali KhanIdea of Round Table Conferences was given by Lord Irwin in 1929
117. Civil Disobedience Movement was launched 23March 1930
118. Allabad Address was presided by Allama Iqbal in 30 Nov. 1930
119. First Round Table Conference started on 12 Nov. 1930
120. First Round Table Conference has total 58 members 18 Muslims
121. First Round Table Conference headed by Ramsay McDonald
122. First Round Table Conference continued for 69 days
123. Gandhi-Irwin Pact was signed in Feb. 1931
124. Second Round Table Conference held in London from 7 Sep. 1931 to 1932
125. Second Round Table Conference continued for 85 days
126. Communal Award presented on 16 August 1932
127. Pona Pact was signed in 1932
128. Third Round Table Conference held in 17 Nov. 1932
129. Third Round Table Conference continued for 39 days
130. Govt of India Act of 1935 promulgated on 14 August 1935
131. According to Govt of India Act of 1935 Federal Assembly has 375 seats
132. According to Govt of India Act of 1935 Counsel of state has 260 seats
133. According to Govt of India Act of 1919 only 3% of population can cast vote
134. According to Govt of India Act of 1935 only 14% of population can cast vote
135. Counsel of secretary of state started in 1858 & dissolved in 1935
136. Sindh separated from Bombay in 1936
137. Khaksar Movement was launched by Inayat Ullah Mashraqi in 1931
138. Independant Party was launched by Hasrat Mohani in 1932
139. Now or Never was Published in 1933 by Rehamt Ali
140. Unity Conference was held in 1932 at Allabad

141. Punjab Chief Minister after 1937 Election was Sikander Hayyat
142. In 1937 Election total seats were 1585
143. In 1937 Election total Muslim seats were 484
144. In 1937 Election Congress won 711 seats & Muslim League won 108 seats
145. In 1937 Election Congress set ministries in 8 provinces out of 11
146. Letter of Iqbal to Quaid 1936
147. Wardha Scheme of 1937 headed by Dr. Zakar Hussain
148. Peerpur Committee formed in 1938 headed by Raja Muhammad Mehdi
149. Sharif Report submitted in 1939 by Bihar Branch
150. World War II started on September 1939
151. Resignation of Congress ministries 14 Nov. 1939
152. All India MuslimStudent Federation formed in 1937 by Muhammad Noman Zuberi
153. Day of Deliverance commemorated on 20 Dec. 1939
154. Real name of Raja Sahb of Mehmoodabad was Amir Ahmah Khan
155. Sikander-Jinnah Pact in 1937
156. "Pakistan was inevitable" by Syed Hassan Riaz
157. Quaid-Boss meeting in 1938
158. Manshor edited by Syed Riaz Hussain in 1938 till 1947 under Muslim league
159. Muslim League National Guards was set up in 1939
160. "On Compromise" written by John Morley
161. Muslim Political Party set up by Ghulam Hussain Hidyat Ullah
162. Muhazab & Dilgudaz launched by Abdulhaleem Sharer

163. Al-farooq written by Shibli Numani
164. "Bright Future of Muslims" by Taveel Ahmad Mangori
165. Garden of Persia written by Lord Kurzon
166. Majlas-e-Itehad-ul-Muslimeen set up by Nawab Bahadur Yar Jang
167. Muslim League established it s ministries in Sindh in 1943
168. Urdu-e-Moallah was launched by Hasrat Mohani
169. Zamindar was launched by Zafer Ali Khan
170. Paisa was launched by Munshi Mehboob Alam
171. Comrade (1910) & Hamdard (1913) were launched by Muhammad Ali Johar
172. Allama Iqbal joined Muslim League in 1908
173. Jamiat-e-Ulema-e-Islam set up by Shabeer Ahmad Usmani
174. Sitara-e-Subho was launched by Zafer ali Khan in 1917
175. Allaabad Address held on 29 Dec. 1930
176. Unionist Party set up by Ahmad Yar Khan Doltana & Feron Khan Noan
177. RCD was formed in 1964 in Istanbul, changed to ECO
178. LFO was imposed in 1970
179. Urdu was introduced as official language in subcontinent in 1825
180. "Pathway to Pakistan" by Khaliq-uz-Zaman
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